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AIDA & COSTA : Jr / Hotel Technician

Main Task and Responsibilities :
  1. Repair and maintenance work on technical equipment and systems in galleys, bars, pantries, spa area and laundries including trouble-shooting and elimination of defects.
  2. Independent works for assigned duties as required by the Facility Manager.
  3. Overseeing the Planned Maintenance System (PMS), carrying out maintenance duties assigned to his/her position, running update of maintenance data.
  4. Ordering of spare parts and verifying correct deliveries.
  5. Inventory checks of spare parts and consumables.
  6. Assistance in safety duties on order of Chief Engineer and safety role.
  7. Stand-by duties as required.

AIDA & COSTA : Electronic / Communication Technician

  • Repair entertainment electronic equipment and components.
  • Maintenance and repairs of 
  • technical and nautical systems on the bridge and the Engine Room
  • electronic safety and security systems
  • electronic chart and navigation Systems (ECDIS)
  • fire detection system (FDS)
  • Public Address and General Alarm system (PA/GA)
  • internal and external communication systems (wired and radio wireless systems)
  • GMDSS and commercial satellite communication systems
  • Closed Circuit TV system (CCTV) and Central Clock system
  • electronic office equipment, printing and publishing equipment
  • electronic door locks and safes  
  • To support maintenance on various systems if skilled and advised


Main Tasks and Responsibilities:

  1. Safe management of an engineering watch (if assigned as watch keeper).
  2. Ensures that (ERM) Engine Resource Management standard is implemented and followed by his/her subordinates.
  3. Fulfillment of ERM role(s) as required by the standard.
  4. Compliance with all relevant flag state and class as well as other applicable regulations.
  5. Close communication and reporting to all stakeholders and superiors.
  6. Participating the daily engine officer’s morning meeting if assigned to.
  7. Responsible for machinery equipment as per team assignment.
  8. Preventive maintenance of technical equipment of the assigned sub-department, including necessary repair works.
  9. Enforcement of the rules of health care, occupational safety and fire protection within the whole engine department and responsible to conduct or delegate relevant training.
  10. Training, guidance and supervision of all subordinated crew members.
  11. Organizing and Performing of maintenance as per requirement of PMS for the assigned sub-department, running update of maintenance data including inventory check of spares and consumables.
  12. Relevant entries into the engine logbook, the oil record book and other relevant logs as per legislation and the requirements of the ship owner.
  13. Fulfillment of responsibilities from the Environmental Compliance Plan.
  14. Ensure efficient operation of technical equipment (not limited to the assigned sub- department).
  15. Comply with QMS (Quality Management System) and LMS (Learning Management System) requirements.
  16. Supports planning/ evaluation of dry docks and external repair/ service activities.
  17. Supports bunker operation of the vessel.


Main Tasks and Responsibilities:

  1. Safe management of an engineering watch (if assigned as watch keeper).
  2. Compliance with Engine Room Resource Management standards of the company.
  3. Compliance with all relevant flag state and class as well as other applicable regulations.
  4. Close communication and reporting to all stakeholders and superiors.
  5. Organizing preventive maintenance of technical equipment of the assigned sub-department, including necessary repair works in accordance with ERM, supported by the Day Engineer Maintenance and additional resources assigned by the Staff Engineer if required.
  6. Enforcement of the rules of health care, occupational safety and fire protection within the whole engine department and responsible to conduct or delegate relevant training.
  7. Training, guidance and supervision of all subordinated crewmembers.
  8. Perform maintenance as per requirement of PMS for the assigned sub-department including inventory check of spares and consumables.
  9. Relevant entries into the engine logbook, the oil record book and other relevant logs as per legislation and the requirements of the ship owner.
  10. Control bunkering of the vessel.
  11. Fulfillment of responsibilities from the Environmental Compliance Plan.
  12. Participating the daily engine officer’s morning meeting if assigned to.
  13. Comply with QMS (Quality Management System) and LMS (Learning Management System) requirements.
  14. Supports planning/ evaluation of dry docks and external repair/ service activities.
  15. Supports bunker operation of the vessel.


Main Tasks and Responsibilities :

  1. Safe conduct of an engineering watch (if assigned as watch keeper).
  2. Compliance with Engine Room Resource Management standards of the company.
  3. Close communication and reporting to all stakeholders and superiors.
  4. Preventive maintenance of technical equipment of the assigned sub-department, including necessary repair works.
  5. Enforcement of the rules of health care, occupational safety and fire protection within the whole engine department.
  6. Training, guidance and supervision of all subordinated crewmembers.
  7. Supports maintenance within his/her team in accordance with ERM assigned by his/ her superiors; supported by the Day Engineer Maintenance, including inventory check of spares and consumables.
  8. Relevant entries into the engine logbook, the oil record book and other relevant logs as per legislation and the requirements of the ship owner.
  9. Support of bunker operations of the vessel.
  10. Fulfilment of responsibilities from the Environmental Compliance Plan Safe.
  11. Comply with QMS (Quality Management System) and LMS (Learning Management System) requirements.

AIDA & COSTA :Maintenance & WorkshopTechnician

Main Tasks & Responsibilities:

  1. Welding, cutting, machinery and repair works as required by the Staff Chief Engineer and the onboard work request system.
  2. Closed collaboration with the Safety Engineer in order to perform maintenance on all technical equipment.
  3. Routine checks of engine tools and welding equipment.
  4. Responsible for the engine workshop housekeeping and allover condition of fixed engine workshop equipment.
  5. Managing of the inventory of consumable spares and welding materials linked with engine workshop operation (supported by the Storekeeper Inventory).
  6. Sounding of fuel and lube oil tanks and filling sounding forms.
  7. Head of the workshop duties include (but are not limited to):

-           Disassembling and assembling of engine parts

-           All kind of mechanical works

-           Repair works according unplanned maintenance system

-           Maintenance of all workshop equipment


Main Tasks and Responsibilities:

  1. As head of IT, you are responsible for the smooth operation and provision of the IT infrastructure and software landscape on the ship. With your team you fulfill the following tasks:


  1. Maintaining all IT services and devices.


  1. Warehouse Management and Inventory Management.


  1. Operation of the IT infrastructure at the location taking into account the group standards and in coordination with the responsible persons at the other locations.


  1. Ensuring the operation of local IT systems.


  1. Ensuring adequate and cost-effective support and support of users at the site in cooperation or division of labor with the other organizational units of the IT department


  1. Representation of IT in the departments at the location and within the IT Department


  1. Leadership, promotion and support of employees in their work at the location.


  1. Ensuring the implementation of IT security at the site in accordance with the specifications of the Brand IT Compliance Officer


  1. Bridge/Engine/ Safety&Security systems or Blackbox IT based systems that are not maintained by AIDA are excluded or under limited Support.

AIDA & COSTA : Turner / Welder

Main Task & Responsibilities:

  1. Welding, cutting, machinery and repair works as required by the Staff Engineer and the onboard work request system.
  2. Closed collaboration with the Day Engineer Maintenance in order to perform maintenance on all technical equipment.
  3. Routine checks of engine tools and welding equipment.
  4. Responsible for the engine workshop housekeeping and allover condition of fixed engine workshop equipment.
  5. Managing of the inventory of consumable spares and welding materials linked with engine workshop operation (supported by the Storekeeper Inventory).
  6. Sounding of fuel and lube oil tanks and filling sounding forms.
  7. Head of the workshop team.

AIDA : Hospital Assistant AIDA

Main Tasks & Responsibilities :

  1. Prepares and follow up on administrative tasks of standard consultations
  2. Collection of basic patient data
  3. Archives medical documentation and other hospital records in compliance of medical confidentiality and other legal requirements
  4. Check inventory of expendable materials, sterile instruments, and medication 
  5. Join responsibility with the first Doctor and Doctor for invoicing patients

COSTA : Hospital Secretary Costa

Main Tasks and Responsibilities:

  1. Administrative work in the onboard hospital
  2. Participate in maintaining Hospital conditions for a smooth and efficient work process;
  3. The working area will primarily be situated in the Hospital;
  4. Collect basic patient data and upload documents/invoices;
  5. Archive medical documentation and other hospital records;
  6. Check expiring date of the onboard inventory for medicines and sanitary materials.

Specific duties only for Costa Asia:

  1. Translation support for medical team during the consultation and emergency call including the explanation for the administration of the drugs prescribed by the doctor;
  2. In case of a Medical Emergency experienced by passenger or crew elsewhere outside the Hospital, under the instruction of the Ship’s Doctor, to provide translation assistance;
  3. Preparation and follow-up consultation visits with translation assistance when necessary.