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AIDA & COSTA : Security Guard

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Job Description

  • Conduct access control for cruise passengers, employees, visitors, and other persons to guard and maintain security of premises
  • Monitor and report suspicious activities to local authorities. Monitors security aboard the ship 24/7 alternating day and night shifts. Performs regular safety rounds of public, crew and off-limit areas of the ship. Presents to the Chief/Deputy Security Officer the log of activities during the night time hours
  • Inspect passenger and crew documents validity such as; port ids, driver’s licenses, passports for access control to the ship
  • Execute post responsibilities as required
  • Follow specific post orders

Job Qualification

  1. Good English
  2. Knowledge of other language(s) is a plus
  3. Experience in a role of Security Guard aboard ship is a plus



High school
21 - 45 years old
2 years
Please be in business attire and bring your printed CV (in English), 4x6 photograph, passport and seaman’s book (Original ), employment certificates or appraisals ( original ), photocopy of your ID card, birth certificate, KK, and education certificate. Please prepare for an English language interview.